
About John Barr
John Barr was born in Omaha in 1943 and grew up in an unincorporated township outside of Chicago. He went to Harvard College on a Navy scholarship and graduated with honors in 1965. For the next five years he served as a Naval officer on destroyers and went to Vietnam three times. He graduated from Harvard Business School as a Baker Scholar in 1972. In a Wall Street career that spanned 30 years he was a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, founded three start-ups including the country's first natural gas marketing company, and was active in restructuring the electric and gas utility industries.

Visit the Press and Interviews page for interviews conducted with John about his work, his influences, and his views on poetry. The page also includes reviews and press releases about his books. Visitors can gain insight into Barr's thought process and the inspirations behind his work.

The Studio
John Barr's Studio, also known as “Heron's Haunt," is a unique creative space located in Greenwich, CT. This private getaway, designed by architect Eric J. Smith, is surrounded by natural beauty and serves as a tranquil place for poets, painters, and other creatives to find inspiration and recharge. It's both a work of art and a haven for John to write poetry.