How do you know if what you wrote is a poem?

If you’re a poet, have you ever read through what you wrote and asked yourself this question: How do you know if what you wrote is a poem? For me, a poem is a sound train. The consonants as givens, the vowels, endlessly open, endlessly Ee—ii—o—oo—aa. Airy aspirates, diphthongs, fricatives, apocopes: Poetry is sound bites […]

What is a man but his passion?

Do you differentiate between your work and play, your avocation and your job? Robert Penn Warren asked, “What is a man but his passion?” If you make your life’s work out of your passion, then there doesn’t need to be a distinction between vocation and avocation, or between business and poetry, or between any other […]

Great Audiences for Great Poetry (Part 2)

This is Part 2 (of 2) of my essay, “Great Audiences for Great Poetry,” adapted from a 2009 speech I gave at AWP (Association of Writers & Writing Programs) when I was president of the Poetry Foundation. The rather insipid title of my remarks, “Great Audiences for Great Poetry,” is adapted from Whitman’s famous dictum, […]

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What happens when you put into the same room a CNN journalist, a Vice President of the United States, Africa’s newest President for Life, and an escaped Caribbean poet who has been sentenced to death by torture? To find out, download Presidents for Life: An Unauthorized Look at Big Power Politics in Three Acts by John Barr.

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